Thursday, July 26, 2012

Back to Blogging - Last One

June seemed liked such a short month for us! I was working a lot so that my co-workers could take vacations. My job is definitely a blessing, but working full time for a few weeks was stressful - especially since Joel had so much free time! He was actually getting bored because he didn't have any responsibilities.

On June 12th, we celebrated our two year anniversary. It feels like we have come such a long way together, but still have so far to go! Sometimes the daily work and sacrifice of investing in our marriage is exhausting, but we know it's sanctifying - and it's worth it!

July is following in June's footsteps by flying by! We had a fun Independence Day, and were able to have several of Joel's pilot training classmates over for some BBQ. We also had the opportunity to go to Maxwell, AFB in Montgomery, AL to visit a good friend of Joel's who was doing some training there. (It was his friend Matt from Maryland, who commissioned him two years ago.) We had a nice, uneventful weekend, which has built up our trip-taking confidence a little bit. So, we are actually planning a trip to Biloxi/Gulfport for a beach weekend together before Joel leaves for SERE. We're praying for good weather and no catastrophes, since our last "vacation" was the Murphy's Law Memorial Day trip to Pensacola last year.

On July 2, Joel started taking two 8-week online master's classes through American Military University. He has been working hard, but NOT enjoying getting back into the academic world. His birthday was the 17th, and I decided to do birthday week for him this year, since he always does it for me. (He said I only did birthday week as a lesson for him - you know, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you!") I really enjoyed surprising him with a little present everyday, including his first-ever purple shirt and tickets to the Dark Knight Rises (which was really good!).

Yesterday, Joel was officially promoted to First Lieutenant! It's pretty much an automatic promotion after two years of service, but it's a nice little pay raise, and I'm proud of him! We have lots of big events coming up, so hopefully I will be a faithful blogger. Joel and I are a one computer family right now, and with all of his master's homework, it's difficult for me to get computer time to blog! (Sadly, Joel's pink Dell died about a month ago. He isn't exactly loving getting used to my Mac, either.) So stay tuned - there's lots going on in the Loftus' lives! :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Back to Blogging, Part II

May 2012 - What an incredible, unforgettable time in our lives! Phase III of pilot training came to a close with Assignment Night on May 5. While we were both very excited and a little nervous, we were blessed with peace as we trusted that God was going to take us where he wanted us. Our top three choices were C-5's to Dover, C-21's to Scott, and C-17's to Travis... but we had a feeling Joel was going to have to be a FAIP. (First Assignment Intructor Pilot, i.e. staying in Columbus for three more years and teaching students how to fly.) We were both thrilled and a little emotional when we saw that C-5 come up next to Joel's name, and even more so when it was followed by the words, "Dover AFB, DE!" It felt like we hugged each other for at least ten minutes, as I was openly crying and Joel was trying to pretend like he wasn't! Everyone started saying, "Kiss her! Kiss her!" And so he did. It was such an awesome moment for us both. Honestly, there was a point in our marriage where I would have been devastated if our next assignment wasn't to the East Coast. But God has been faithful to us through so much, and I was able to truly mean it when I told Joel on the morning of May 5, "Where you go, I'll go too. Always." Praise the Lord for giving us our hearts' desire!

Two weeks later, on May 18, was SUPT Class 12-09's graduation day. We were so thankful to have both of our families there to support us and celebrate with us. Pinning on Joel's wing was another moment that we'll never forget. I was so over-whelmed with pride and love for him. Not only did he complete pilot training, but he finished at the top of his class!

(Yes, I realize that I am standing slightly in front of his new wings, but I HAD to stand on that side... it's my good side!)

(Later that night, at the graduation banquet, with our friend Michael.)

One week later, on May 25, I was blessed with the opportunity to go to my dear friend Janie's college graduation from the University of Delaware. She's one of those rare friends who I can go a year or more without seeing, and then pick up right where we left off - we always have something to talk about! I am so looking forward to living in the same state as her!

The next day, we woke up to Mississippi-like heat in Pennsylvania, just in time to do outdoor pictures for my brother's wedding. It was a beautiful, God-honoring day, and Joel and I were so thankful to be a part of it. Timmy is the best big brother anyone could ever hope for, and it brings me so much joy to know that he has found his helper in Nicole!

(The bride-to-be getting ready!)

As a bonus tidbit of information, for those of you who haven't heard, Joel and I purchased our first home together in Dover on May 30!

The following weekend we celebrated Joel's beautiful sister Hannah and sweet brother Noah's graduation from community college in Maryland. We love them so much and are very proud of both of them! Before we got married, I didn't think that anyone could be as much of a brother to me as Timmy is, and now I am so blessed to treasure each of Joel's siblings as my own.

Up next, the conclusion of this back-to-blogging special: June 2012! :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Back to Blogging, Part I

Seven months might not be the longest lapse in blogging in the world, but it's long enough that it's going to take two posts just to get up to date! Of course I'm going to go in chronological order so I don't skip anything important. And then, hopefully, I'll be a little more faithful with my updates as Joel and I move into the next phase of our Air Force life!

December, January, & February (a quick review): We celebrated our second married Christmas together, but it was our first one with our own Christmas tree and stockings:

Joel continued to study diligently, work faithfully, and do extremely well in pilot training. Meanwhile, I received a promotion to assistant manager at work (which means I no longer do the delivering), and I used my free time to discover new recipes and try them out on Joel and his classmates.

(Chocolate peanut butter cup cheesecake is a new favorite!)

March & April: In March, I was blessed by the opportunity to go home for a long weekend to celebrate my brother's 24th birthday and his bride-to-be's shower.

I was so thankful that I was able to suprise Timmy and spend his birthday together again this year!

Nicole's entire bridal party was able to be there for her beautiful shower at Cornerstone.

In April, Joel and I prayerfully submitted our "dream sheet" ranking the airplanes and bases that we wanted next. Then we had the chance to get some cute pictures taken (we never had an engagement photo shoot), and spend some time together before the craziness of the next few months. We actually waited patiently and peacefully to find out what God had in store for us.

"Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name." Psalm 33:20-21

Up next: Assignment night, graduations, a wedding, and our anniversary!